Tuesday, May 22, 2007


After dinner tonight the children and I were sitting on the porch when a little brown rabbit with white spots hopped down the driveway and paused at the top of the stairs. If John could have said the word rabbit he would have. He was pointing incredulously.... mere hours after seeing The Velveteen Rabbit.

All three children were very attentive during the play. It was sweet and well done. We talked to the rabbit after lunch. Ella never likes strangers in costumes. It is always nice to hear the sections of the story that were read at our wedding. After getting up at five thirty this morning I'm feeling pretty shabby myself tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And funny, Kale would have had a totally different perspective on seeing the rabbit hop up the drive - we watched Watership Down on the weekend :)

I love the browns.