Friday, April 07, 2006

home again, home again jiggety,jig

Baby John's surgery was successful, and he is back at home enjoying lots of cuddles and his tylenol with codeine. He was the darling of the surgery center at UVA, showing off his gummy smiles to everyone willing to say hello to him. He had two surgeons, two anesthesiolgists, and two nurses taking care of him--UVA is a teaching hospital. The lead surgeon was saying that the most difficult part of the surgery would be to find one of his veins under his rolls of marshmallow flesh. He had general anesthesia and a spinal block, and he was sleepy all day yesterday. Today he is awake and more like himself. Realizing that he was going to appear very different to Ella, we told her about his operation last night. She'll probably be more interested when she gets a peek, but for now she is more interested in playing with Grandmarie, doing yardwork, and showing off her bucket of worms and grubs that she has under the front stoop.

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