Saturday, January 19, 2008


self, originally uploaded by ellajohn.

I was pregnant at the beach so many months ago, and seeing this old photograph made me think of taking some pictures of my expanding belly. And now we have made it to nineteen weeks today.

The belly is a bit beyond looking like I had a few too many Christmas cookies, but I can still fit into some regular clothes. The morning sickness is gone for the most part. The children's back to back stomach bugs were a challenge. Yesterday John went through about twenty diapers full of yellow stinking foam, but that was better than Ella's six days of random projectile vomiting. Those are truly the trenches of motherhood.

I was at Target the other day and allowed myself to walk down the baby aisle for the first time. I bought a package of white onsies with rose patterns and a pale pink and brown striped boppy cover. Liz has me excited about cloth diapers and making my own diaper covers.

1 comment:

Potager Life said...

Oh, yes, the stinking foam. Here, too.

Thank you for your comments regarding the food industry and toxic food, etc. at Flickr.

I am feeling too under the weather to do any replying right now and am sorry, I hope my silence wasn't perceived as annoyance -- it's not at all! I completely know and appreciate where you're coming from. I love having you readers there as sounding boards for my frustration (and my enthusiasm) around this subject and hope you'll feel free to do the same :) Vent away because I care!

I love this photo and am so happy you and baby are doing well.

Happy birthday to Ella from us in Canada!