Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Herald the Return of the Sun

The Mesopotamians, it is said, celebrated the winter solstice first with a 12-day festival of renewal designed to help the god Marduk tame the monsters of chaos for one more year.

There is a small brown rabbit in our backyard sitting in the sun cleaning his ears. I wonder if he feels the turning towards spring.

Ella and I just took our first load of furniture over to Spring Street.


The Daily Gus said...

I know, i love the pagan traditions to bring back the sun at solstice time. Lighting candles on a tree, especially. We lit electric candles on our 6' cactus this year, in lieu of bringing a dead tree indoors. I can't wait for spring, and winter's only just started!

Ellamama said...

It is closer than you think. 2 months. 3.