Thursday, December 08, 2005


We were amazed that we were sick while the children remained healthy. Unfortunately they were merely incubating whatever foul virus has found it's way here. For me, it wasn't too bad, just long and drippy. At some point this morning my shirt was completely covered in a drool/snot combo, a petri shirt. Ella is taking it well. She would be glad to go outside in a second, but we are staying in. We cancelled her library playdate for this afternoon--unfortunately Hiyumi is dripping as well. Baby John is no longer amused by the saline bottle that keeps his little nose clear. I propped him up beside me last night because he was choking when he was lying on his back. On a happy note, he slept eight hours without nursing for the second night in a row--it has been six hours for a while, and I'm considering eight hours "sleeping through the night". If only Ella could do it. Night before last she woke up saying that something had jumped from under her bed and grabbed her bottom. She honestly believes this one. Perhaps that is why she was so interested in "spring cleaning" her room yesterday--exorcism of the bottom grabber.

Chicken soup with ginger and garlic is on the stove. The clouds are rolling in for another snow and we just made "Chickadee Pudding" for the birds----lard or Crisco, rolled oats, cornmeal, orange bits, bird seed, peanuts, and peanut butter. We cut out oranges to make baskets to stuff the pudding in. E strung more cranberries for the birds, and we made our one trip outside for the day to hang them up.

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