Thursday, March 06, 2008

miss ruby

miss ruby, originally uploaded by ellajohn.

She weighs two pounds and loves to wiggle. We didn't get many 4D pictures because she was a jumping bean who refused to show her profile, but we got what we went for, hand and lip pictures. It was short and sweet. Baby John munched on his crackers and Ella watched the screen. I kept getting a neck cramp, so I really couldn't see well. The wrinkly ultrasound tech smelled like she just smoked three packs of Marlboro reds. We got a CD of pictures to bring home as well as a DVD of the whole exam.

Earlier in the day I'd gone to our family practice to find out that I have....a cold. My blood pressure was 102 over 60, so I'm wondering if I've seen so many doctors that I can't even raise a normal blood pressure in a doctor's office. Better than the opposite, I suppose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, Ms. Ruby. You are amazing all snuggled in there! Happy growing and snoozing!