Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Here is someone you don't see every day. I'm somewhere between 28 and 30 weeks depending on which doctor is doing the math.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
science fair
Ella showed her project to all eight grades plus the parents at the evening science fair. Of course the kindergarten projects were my favorite. How many books can you pile on top of an egg before it cracks? We are so proud of her. It was definitely an oya baka evening. She was explaining her "procedure" to strangers, shy but proud. She sprouted four kinds of seeds, but when it came down to what she valued as a conclusion, she wanted to talk about which sprouts tasted best and which ones colored the paper towels the prettiest colors when the seed coat opened.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
easter sunday
Eggs in egg cups :: ham biscuits, :: oyster stew :: easter baskets ::puppet shows :: a playroom cleanup ::goodwill boxes :: folding baby clothes :: john and ella churning butter :: ella talking a mile a minute ::
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
how low can you go?
All I can do is laugh.
At one point I thought I was coughing up blood. (It was a nosebleed)
Then I thought I was spotting. ( It was sock lint)
Friday, March 14, 2008
whose immune system is this?
I passed the three hour gestational diabetes screening, but barely, so I'm going to the diabetes educator next week. Hopefully if I just avoid choking down one hundred grams of warmish orange dextrose, my blood sugar will be somewhat lower.
Now I have bronchitis. Where is my immune system? I'm going to brew a vat of green tea and watch The Wire.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I had GD when I was pregnant wilth Ella, but then with John I managed to pass the one hour test twice and give birth to an almost eleven pound baby.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
oatmeal molasses bread
3 cups rolled oats
7 cups all purpose flour
2 packages active dry yeast
2 tablespoons salt
4 tablespoons salad oil
1/2 cup molasses
Pour the boiling water over the oats in a large bowl and leave to cool. Stir in 2 cups of flour and the yeast. Allow to rise, uncovered, until doubled. Punch down and work in the salt, salad oil, molasses, and enough of the flour to make a smooth pliable firm dough--about ten minutes. Children cannot overknead this bread! Divide into three equal pieces and from into loaves to fit three buttered loaf tins. I brushed the top with water and pressed on some whole oats. Allow to rise again, uncovered, until doubled in bulk. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven 40 to 60 minutes or until the bread sounds hollow when removed from the tins and rapped on the top and bottom. Cool on racks before slicing.
Delicious. Forgiving. Toddler friendly. John baked some tiny tins of overkneaded dough with no salt, oil, or molasses and even they were good. I made this when the oven was half dead, and it still wasn't too bad. Today I'm making it in our new oven, and it should be fairly miraculous.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Thursday, March 06, 2008
miss ruby
She weighs two pounds and loves to wiggle. We didn't get many 4D pictures because she was a jumping bean who refused to show her profile, but we got what we went for, hand and lip pictures. It was short and sweet. Baby John munched on his crackers and Ella watched the screen. I kept getting a neck cramp, so I really couldn't see well. The wrinkly ultrasound tech smelled like she just smoked three packs of Marlboro reds. We got a CD of pictures to bring home as well as a DVD of the whole exam.
Earlier in the day I'd gone to our family practice to find out that I have....a cold. My blood pressure was 102 over 60, so I'm wondering if I've seen so many doctors that I can't even raise a normal blood pressure in a doctor's office. Better than the opposite, I suppose.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
it pours
My sweet sick husband let me take a nap this afternoon. He had one earlier. I got a funny compliment as well. "How do you do this all day?" It is just different for me. I'm not quite as exciting. Right now they are doing improvised yoga poses on a yoga mat in the kitchen.
Tomorrow I have my bonus 4 D ultraound. It is nice to be headed to one that is relatively stress free. We are planning on taking both of the children as well and making it a family event. Today I'm not even sure how many weeks pregnant I am, but Ruby is stretching her skinny little limbs from my ribs to my pubic bone. Long and strong.
Monday, March 03, 2008
typhoid ella
Yesterday the stove died.