Sunday, April 29, 2007

she went that way

she went that way, originally uploaded by ellajohn.

Today was Sharry's retirement party. I made my fourteen pounds of hummus and got the children simutaneously clean. The location was beautiful, but I'm just not cut out for parties. There are alway just too many people there for me, especially any party that requires fourteen pounds of hummus. Hopefully the guest of honor had a good time. There was music and dancing...and children of all sizes running amok. I'm going to say it. Some of those children were absolutely horrible...climbing in the landscaping with complete disregard for the plants and climbing in the rocky water gardens. If my children ever behave that way I hope someone brings them to me by the hand. I told one boy, a second grader, that he couldn't climb down some steep rocky landscaping and he looked at me like I had just crawled out of my spaceship.

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