Saturday, November 22, 2008

bouncy seat queen

bouncy seat queen
Originally uploaded by ellajohn
How long have I had this camera? I can start to record all of little John's juicy goodies, soon to be classics such as "That no freaky me out". Maybe I could even get him to sing Brown Girl in the Ring.

John just took the big kids to the recycling center and the dump. Oh, the simple joys of saturday. Ruby just fell asleep on the floor after a long quiet play session with her own feet, and I have brewed a press pot of coffee. I have this notion that I'm going to scrub all the floors tonight.

I'm off to buy a pottery wheel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just for the record that entire sequence is powered by nothing but Ruby doing endless little leg lifts. She'll go 20 minutes and rock herself to sleep.