Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

looking for the sun

november sunset by ellajohn
november sunset, a photo by ellajohn on Flickr.

I took the kids out to Clover Hollow today to make wreaths for a fundraiser for our school. They had a great afternoon playing in the woods, feeding goats, feeding a llama, and playing in a small creek.

On the way home the sun was about to set and I took a detour to drive by the new house. I'd been wondering where the sun would set, and, as you can see, it goes right down in the backyard. Perfect for back porch sitting or sitting in the garden with a glass of wine.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


porch sitter by ellajohn
porch sitter, a photo by ellajohn on Flickr.

Ruby and I went over to the house today for about an hour. The home inspector was working, and we poked about and took in the lay of the land. I found two closets I didn't even know existed. Essentially, we can each have a closet. One of the downstairs rooms doesn't have one, but that room could use the closet under the stairs.

The owners have all of their things out, and it looks beautiful. I love all the different woods on the floors. I love the plainness of it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

we bought the house

Untitled by ellajohn
Untitled, a photo by ellajohn on Flickr.

We may be eating beans until our house sells, but we like beans. I can't wait to tell the children in the morning. John was going to ask Santa Claus for this house, specifically for the tree house and playset in the yard.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Friday, November 04, 2011