Moving the children's kitchen up from the playroom to the living room has been a lot of fun. Our house looks even more like a preschool, but I get to see this little person don her chef's hat and apron many times a day. Here she is "rolling" herself out. It is the kind of play that suits all of our ages. Ella writes the menus and orders, John generally cooks, and Ruby is both a cook and a waiter.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
tree on stump
We spent the weekend in Richmond, and I did the Monument Ave 10K with our friend Esther. My toenails are still aching, and I have a blood blister on my heel, but our team raised nearly four thousand dollars for the Massey Cancer Center. Thanks to all of you who donated to the efforts of TeamSter. I want to do it again next year, faster and with better socks.
happy birthday Hallie
This little Waldorf style doll has a crocheted wig with an entire skein of incredible red hair tied on one strand at a time. I know how a little girl likes to make braids, then ponies, and then let the dolls hair down. When I saw this haircolor I knew that I had to make this little one for a feisty little redhead in our lives.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Originally uploaded by ellajohn
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
These are super quick to make me feel a little bit dressed up. I even started a hat for myself but ran out of the yarn. I love the Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride wool, and there is a little ruffle at the wrist.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
birth of the cool
Today he shouted that he needed to talk about some letters that might go with double circles that make the ooooooo sound. He knew that an L on the end sounded like "OOL" and he wanted to add a SSSSS sound to write "cool" and a "Tu' sound to write "tool".
He is going to learn to read and write before he masters the alphabet.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Solitude is what I crave right now, so I had a perfect day. Afterwards, I went out to lunch by myself and drank cup after cup of spiced tea in an indian restaurant. Then I fingered the yarn at a local yarnshop. I bought some Malabrigo Aquarella in a lavender, blue, rose colorway to finish an over the top Waldorf doll for Ella. She has long grey hair with the lavender woven through it and a circlet of felt oak leaves and needle felted acorns. I've been wanting to experiment with making dolls that are not young girls, and I am inspired by the mother earth character in The Root Children.
Everyone is asleep, and I can sit with my tea and Ravelry. A friend showed me how to knit Continental style as opposed to English, and I can't wait to try it. Isn't life all about learning and unlearning? Picking or throwing? What shall it be?