Friday, March 27, 2009

she blinded me with science

science fair, originally uploaded by ellajohn.

Oh, Thomas Dolby.
Back in the dark ages of 1983 I was a finalist in the Virginia Junior Academy of Science, the big high school science fair. She Blinded me with Science was the theme of the big dance. What were they thinking having a sleepover science fair? Oh, what a geek I was. My project was in Astrophysics, a theoretical study of interplanetary rainbows.

Ella enjoyed her work with worm composting and did a nice job with her presentation. First grade. I'm pretty amazed.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

ruby june toothy

ruby june toothy, originally uploaded by ellajohn.

hammer song

hammer time
Originally uploaded by ellajohn

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I can't seem to get over the hump that is my life. Hopefully these warm days will help, but I can't catch up and no one can even help me.

While John was going to bed tonight he said, "Mama, I love you the whole world." He says world with a lot of extra syllables. Kind of wiiiiiiiild. Rhymes with his version of "girl". Geeeaaal.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


sleep, originally uploaded by ellajohn.

ahoy mate

ahoy mate, originally uploaded by ellajohn.


ella, originally uploaded by ellajohn.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

blue dragon

blue dragon, originally uploaded by ellajohn.

john and daddy

john and daddy, originally uploaded by ellajohn.

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Ella learned to knit two weeks ago when she had a fever and had to spend a weekday at home. On our trip to DC she made her first scarf. Yes, that was me, casting on for her on I-81 north. Her first scarf was quite wonky, but she knit at least half of it in the dark back seat of the car. Tonight she started her second scarf, a strand of purple and a strand of ivory, and she knit about a foot. She took a one minute bath so that she could have forty seven minutes to knit. She announced that, "Knitting is everything!"